The beast waiting to get trackplates and cladding.

The beast waiting to get trackplates and cladding.
foto Marco Magielse

maandag 22 juli 2013

Herman took us in speed

When I arrived today Monday, not having been able to come over Sunday, familyday and watched television for the coronation of our new king Filip and our national day, I could not suspect Herman had been working further. He told me he ended like the tour de France and like a runner or a horse smelling the target.
But as soon as I arrived, I did not notice anymore the upper arcs laying outside and I quickly realised it would be the complet stuff I would  finally be able to view and so it was ! Congratulations to Herman and my hat of for working the whole weekend in such temperatures to whom we are not used to. He enjoyed it he told me.

zaterdag 20 juli 2013

going vertically

Today, another very warm Saturday, the first pillars are set. My father, living nearby, 82 years old, was inspecting it. But as it was so warm, I did not return anymore in the evening, although I knew Herman was working further. Family sometimes comes first, but hard it was.

vrijdag 19 juli 2013

making a sled when it's so warm

Now already two weeks warm summerweather and also working on the tank. The sledform is now very distinct, but we do not have snow, instead almost 30°C, what's not happening every year.
The shape is now being build up and it looks promising !

donderdag 18 juli 2013

despite the hot weather : paintingtime

When I today arrived  at Hermans shop, I now saw a kind of bridge, waiting for me to have the interior painted. We do this painting work now, because it will be a the bottom afterwards and difficult to reach.
Dirk was also inspecting the work so far done and was happy with it.

woensdag 17 juli 2013

turning the boat

When I today visited Hermans workshop I feared he misunderstood us and was making a boat instead of a tank. But he thought out an elegant way to be able to turnover easily this awkward heavy pieces. See for yourself. It's not always necessary to have big machinery some craftmanship is often more usefull ;-)

donderdag 11 juli 2013

the roofpieces finished

In the meantime the upper side profiles are also welded together.
So the coming days the most interesting work will start : building this all together.

maandag 8 juli 2013

Steady progress

uppersides also started :

vrijdag 5 juli 2013

It takes shape

Another update, seems we are making a big sled, but a real big one ;-) Today the assembling of the subparts was started. On the photo's you see the underside on which the rollers will be mounted. It should be possible with this construction to cross a real trench, time will tell. The "sled"shape is laying on another construction for a heavy gate, creating a flat underground. Thanks to Dirk and Herman !