The beast waiting to get trackplates and cladding.

The beast waiting to get trackplates and cladding.
foto Marco Magielse

donderdag 2 oktober 2008

First public appearance

Last 14 and 28 september 2008 the tankchassis was on display in the center of Poelkapelle so everyone could see it with his own eyes. It was accompanied by a small show of about 70 photo's about Damon II himself between 1917 and 1941 in Poelkapelle.
Thanks to Gilbert Degandt, Georges Buyse and Bert for making this possible.
Thanks to Luc, Dirk en Olivier Van Moeffaert for permanence at the show.
Kurt Vandewalle made two marvellous photo's of the tankchassis in Poelkapelle and was so generous to allow us to show them on this blog.

You can see more of the openingevening on Friday 12 september at :
thanks to Robert Missinne !